24 Jun

Marketing is the cornerstone of almost every business that there is today. Nearly every business is involved with some form of marketing. However, with rapid technological advancements, the marketing landscape is evolving with great speed, specifically in e-commerce and digital marketing Austin, where businesses now have a global outreach.

With this kind of access to global markets, enormous amounts of data are collected. However, businesses struggle to put the data to use to their advantage; due to the huge amount of human resources and the time it demands to filter out the data.

It can also be a struggle for businesses to provide satisfactory customer support services for their potential customers inquiring about their services or existing customers who want to buy more or are facing a problem.

This is where digital marketing automation comes into the picture.

What is Digital Marketing Automation?

Email marketing automation is what many people think of when they hear the term "marketing automation." However, it does more than automate email campaigns.

The simplest definition of marketing automation that could be put forth is the use of software and technology to automate and simplify tasks. Tasks such as email drip campaigns, follow-up messages, adding sales calls to your calendar, sending invoices, posting on social media, ad campaigns, tracking, and much more. These would otherwise be very time-consuming and would require a lot of effort.

How Does Digital Marketing Automation Work?

A marketing automation software can streamline marketing tasks that would otherwise be a difficult job manually. Here are a few examples of what an automation software can do:

  • Lead generation, nurturing, and scoring
  • Audience segmentation and targeting
  • Upsell and cross-sell activities
  • Customer Loyalty and retention programs
  • Analytics and reporting to optimize marketing and content strategies (that is, tweaking the subject headings or send times)
  • A/B testing to see which headlines, offers, copy, or images work best

Marketing automation software also works to enhance your customer data and build better customer profiles. You can use this data to improve the customer experience by creating tailored, personalized experiences across channels.

Read More! Top 5 Key Digital Marketing KPIs

The Problems that are being solved through Digital Marketing Automation

Many marketers are overburdened with the workload on their shoulders; they can simply not cope with what's on their plate. For example, they face issues like being unable to track engagement and chasing unqualified leads, just to name a few. Automation can take on the tactical work, which in turn will help marketers deliver more personalized and targeted communications and measure effectiveness. It will also allow marketers to allocate more resources to strategy, content, and creative problem-solving. Following are the common problems faced by marketers:

  • Planning campaigns in one system but looking at data in another
  • Dealing with customer histories that are only stored for a few months
  • Wasting time locating leads that should have been easier to find
  • Cleaning up duplicate records because of no integration into the CRM system
  • Working with IT to update and launch campaigns

A Glimpse of some Automation Software, What can they achieve for Marketers

There are so many automation tools for almost every purpose, but to determine  what your business needs is, it is very important to get effective automation. Here are the well-known and popular automation service provider mentioned below:

Constant Contact

ConstantContact is one of the most powerful email marketing tools there is today. It has some amazing automation capabilities which can take your marketing game to the next level.

Its autoresponder is wonderfully adaptable. You can build welcome sequences, drip campaigns, and any other sort of automated email campaign with fine-tuned customization. Moreover, you can integrate custom forms on landing pages so you can collect their name and emails, and other data. Thus, you can tailor and automate the welcome sequence according to the title and other details of the recipients.

Mobile Monkey

MobileMonkey is a powerful messaging automation tool that lets you automate everything from replying to comments, stories, and even direct messaging.

This is a huge advantage for busy marketers looking to optimize their productivity in the marketing game through automation.

MobileMonkey messaging marketing tools let you automate:

  • Replies to DMs.
  • DM replies to Story Mentions.
  • DM replies to post comments.


Hubspot offers a full stack of products for marketing, sales, and CRM. They're a leader in the digital marketing industry. HubSpot is a cloud-based CRM designed to help align sales and marketing teams, foster sales enablement, boost ROI and optimize your inbound marketing strategy to generate more qualified leads.

Final Thoughts

In today's era of rapid technological advancements, automation is a must for digital marketers. Automation will help marketers focus more on strategy and planning rather than putting more of their time into tactical work. This will aid them in staying ahead of their competition and be more adaptable to the constantly evolving marketing landscape.

Small businesses require time to make a giant organization, they have to pay more attention to making operations automated with high efficiency. As soon as small businesses achieve their goals, they are more likely to adopt new technologies, trendy marketing strategies, and automation to speed up their regular operations. It is high time to start your business and boost it with digital marketing automation tools and services.